Sunday, October 11, 2009

ART post ichi (one) : Foreshortened Hand Study

This is the first of many AP art homework posts, each will post include the Japanese and English numbers corresponding to the post it is.

Now to the art.

The first is a value study of foreshortened hands done in ball-point pen. The strengths of this piece are the values, line quality, and accurate observations of the proportions and foreshortening. The composition is strongest on the right side where there are two linear hands coming off of the detailed hands. The reason being that the linear hands create interesting negative spaces and subtly unify the detailed hands.

This is the second, and last, piece for our last assignment, a self portrait done in graphite. Its strength is the line quality in the hair and the hand. The composition isn’t terrible and the proportions of the face could have been better. But overall it is not a bad drawing.

Until text time,

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