Monday, October 5, 2009


Ok so this is my first post [incert applause and cheers here].

WARNING! this blog will most likely have relly bad grammar/ spelling mistakes because I suck when it comes to that stuff...never been good at it.

/hopefully/ artwork and other info (what I'm working on, research, maybe some music I'm listening to, etc.) will be updated starting tomorrow, but for now just a quick bit about what I'm currently working on for school.

Alright, so our newest assignments for AP 2d/ drawing portfolio are a broken object from two diff perspectives, and something dealing w/ concealing and revealing. currently I'm working on the latter. It's going to be a Portrait with half a mask (like a masquerade mask) on and a breaking other half falling thus revealing the face behind the mask.

also here is a link to my deviantart account...nothing REALLY great up thar but check it out if you want.

For now that is all,

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